A LIVE CODING FRAMEWORK FOR GESTURAL PERFORMANCE AND ELECTRONIC MUSIC By Iannis Zannos LAC 2019 conference, March 23rd – 26th, 2019 http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2019/ This paper presents a library for SuperCollider that enables live coding adapted to two domains of performance: telematic dance with wireless sensors and electroacoustic music performance. The library solves some fundamental issues of usability in SuperCollider which have been also addressed by the established live-coding framework JITLib, such as modifying synth and pattern processes while they are working, linking control and audio i/o between synths, and generation of GUIs. The use of the library is demonstrated in two contexts: a telematic dance project with custom low-cost movement sensors, and digital implementations of early electroacoustic music scores by J. Harvey and K. Stockhausen. The latter involves coding of a complex score and generation of a GUI representation with time tracking and live control.