Creative works


stereo electroacoustic composition based on Baghlamas’s original recordings

A stereo electroacoustic composition which is based on Baghlamas’s original recordings.  Baghlamas is a traditional Greek instrument which has its roots to an Ancient Greek instrument called Pandoura. Thanks to its touchette, it provided great potential to the instrumentalist to perform phonetic and organic passages which accompanied single pitches, which led to the creation of plural melismata (ornamental phrases of  several notes) and legatti, a technique which was impossible to be implemented in Ancient Greek chordophones such as the lyre, where only one single string was used in relation to each pitch.  In my work I made an attempt to explore the characteristics of the instrument and its relation to history and Hellenic Culture via acousmatic music. The work has references to melodic lines widely used by Baghlamas performers but is mainly an attempt to recreate a new sonic world. I also aimed to use the instrument in innovative ways, from the recording process (use of sounds emerging from the chording of the instrument) to the development process (application of a wide range of transformations which would lead the sound in new boundaries). The addition of background sounds emerging from the Baghlamas through various transformations, creates a constant dialogue with the foreground sounds. The various sonic colours observed as the piece evolves justify its title. This work is part of my PhD portfolio.