GAME|LAN : a Digital Musical Orchestra

GAME|LAN : a Digital Musical Orchestra

Segments : Creation Research
Category : Publications

 “GAME|LAN : Co-Designing and Co-Creating an Orchestra of Digital Musical Instruments within the Fab-Lab” was presented by Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos (Cardiff School of Art and Design) and Olivia Kotsifa, (Decode Fab Lab, Athens), at LAC 2019

It presents a project focused on the co-design and co-creation of a small orchestra of digitally fabricated digital musical instruments (DMIs) based on the Bela board, an open-source embedded computing platform. It took place in Fab Labs, an international network of digital fabrication laboratories1. The orchestra, named Game|Lan, is inspired by the traditional Indonesian Gamelan ensembles, their music and philosophy. The project aims to explore the capabilities of the Fab Lab network which runs on an open-access, open-source and open-hardware ethos, for a distributed project of this type. The aspiration is to create an original orchestra for non-musicians, which offers the rich collective experience and explore it as a medium for social interaction.