A fixed media composition, for audio streaming on stereo format
A fixed media composition, for audio streaming on stereo format
The electroacoustic work Nu (translated to English: Now) is spatially composed for twentynine channels, originally to be played in Klangkupolen’s immersive sound system in 29.4, with speakers in four levels above the listeners.
Three alternative mix versions exist: sixteen channels, eight channels and stereo. Both the harmonic structure and the form of Nu are based on a material shared with the choral work Som om (2020). The voices of the singers are multiplied and mixed in a dreamlike weave, as if we were dreaming, as if all our time is a dream.
The dreamlike has in Nu become even more spread and elongated, both spatially and temporally, but here are also sequences of contrasting material and even if they are characterized by rhythm and direction, in strong contrast to the floating voices, the dreaming is still accentuated.
Nu (2021) was premiered at the festival Between 2021 in November 2021.