Computer Motions as an art per se
Courses & workshops

Computer Motions as an art per se

Tag : Workshop

Conference @ “A Delà? Is it working” 2020 on-line festival, Ljubiana

Usually Computer Animation is dedicated to movies for entertainment and it develops computer technics to model and simulate characters, landscapes, natural phenomena, more or less realistic, and more or less in a narrative context.

My aim is quite different : indeed, I observed that the movement in itself make sense for human perception, human cognition and human imagination and suggestion, independently to the things that are moving.

We observed too that when somebody observes things that are moving, for example the movements of the leaves, the movements in themselves are particularly attractive and significant, for example how this leaf is oscillating, or how the motions of two leaves are correlated, and so independently of the shapes of the leaves, of their colors, their transparency through the light, etc.

This means that movement in itself is an object for perception.
This means too that when we are seeing something that moves, we are able to separate the properties of the motion to the others properties of the thing you are seeing.

So, movement is how it moves, whatever what it moves. And we can “think” and “feel “ a movement and then we can represent or figure out it in several manners : visually, auditorily, haptically …
This leads to consider movement in itself as a way of expression, a way of art, and movement as an art in itself.

With computer synthesis and simulation, we are able to model independently shapes, light and colors by ways of geometrical and optical modelling, and motions by way of another science which physics, by programming the basic physics equations, such as inertia, elasticity, viscosity.
So using physical computer modelling, we are able to simulate any kind of movements, those that exist and those that can be imaginary.

For me it is a new kind of art that can emerge thanks to the computer capabilities… I called it “Dynamic Visual Art”.