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Event :

Julien Clauss


Julien Clauss (1974), lives and works in the Trièves. Digging up the relics of his studies in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, he has been working in the field of art and media since 2001. His practice is part of the wider field of sculpture. Initially in sound, it has extended to the network and the visual arts. Oriented towards the fabrication of spaces, his work borrows a concrete vocabulary, sometimes conceptual or minimal, the environment and contexts of land art, and perceptual and immersive experiences that tend towards a loss of reference points. He creates sculptures, installations, performances, sound pieces and radio devices. As a counterpoint to the installations and performances, situation projects linked to a practice of micro-radio have emerged. Derived from the social approach of micro-radio developed in Japan in the 1980s, these situations use the radiophonic medium on a reduced scale and create a continuum between production and listening. A kind of outsider relational art, these “extended radio” projects bring the structure of the medium to the surface and place it within hearing range.