
Jakub Szczypa

musicologist, researcher

Jakub Szczypa

Musicologist of Polish origin who completed the course and master’s degree in musicology at the University of Warsaw in 2006.

Since September 2010 he has been a collaborator of the Miso Music Portugal Cultural Association and the Portuguese Music Research & Information Center in which he performs various tasks in the areas of production, promotion and criticism. He is responsible for the editorial coordination of the website “Espaço Crítica para a Nova Música”.

In addition to contemporary musical creation (his thesis concerns the various aspects of Philip Glass’s cinematographic music) his interests are also focused on the culture of Portugal, which despite the various differences (mainly for reasons of geographical and historical origin) has also several features in common with Polish culture. It is these points of convergence and divergence between the two musical cultures that interest him most as a researcher.